Greenbees Lab

green marketing solutions for companies who need to (re)define their corporate eco-marketing strategy and blueprint. we help define, design and direct your green narratives, both internally and externally

Marketing Solutions

internal marketing 

We advise, ideate and design systematic and inclusive programs that help increase employee engagement with the company’s green goals and fostering green advocacy

  • market research
  • HR initiatives
  • vision alignment
  • internal campaigns

external marketing 

We can help you discover, realign and reboot your sustainable angle by (re)defining your green intent, crafting your green narrative and communicating that green mission as an integral part of your brand marketing strategy


  • marketing assets
  • creative services
  • operational support
  • media support
  • corporate events


  • outbound marketing 
  • inbound marketing

We offer, through a partnership with RSM’s business advisory division, customised ‘green’ consultancy and ESG reporting solutions that will both complement and reinforce your CSR and CCR efforts as well as your sustainability narratives.

As one of the largest financial, taxation and consulting network in the world, rest assured of a world class consultation and reporting solution that addresses 4 verticals – Carbon Emission Targets, Sustainability, ESG goals and compliance.

Green Consulting

Contact Us

Phone: +65 6536 3283
Address: 2 Alexandra Road, Delta House #04-01, Singapore 159919